Gabrielle's Life and Writings

Gabrielle Lawson, writer of Fanfiction. I will use this space to keep a journal about my writing, the progress I'm making, stories I'm working on, writer's blocks I'm having, our adoption process and progress and just life in general.

My Photo
Location: Missouri, United States

I'm multifaceted and highly educated. I have a BA in History and an MA in Museum Studies. But I couldn't make a living in a museum, so my hobby--computers--became my living. I'm now a charter member Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician. I aspire to be a professional writer and/or poet. I am a Christian and have been living by His grace for the last four years or so, despite the MegaStress and now the GigaStress. He keeps me going, and displays His glory still, in my life.

Monday, July 28, 2003

Another very busy weekend

I left Wednesday afternoon for a seminar that lasted until Sunday. It's a very intense seminar so I'm pretty much exhausted now. And I didn't write a word while there. I did, however, find a new sense of self. I feel like a new person, the person God intended for me to be all along. If you can, I want you to consider going to Focus Seminars (

Anywho, the seminar is over (at least until the third session next month), so I hope to be back to writing Faith here very soon.

Monday, July 21, 2003

A very busy weekend

But not busy with writing. I did write a bit on Friday. I realized I'd left out a scene that needed to be in Chapter 13 of Faith if it were to fit in the timeline. So I went back and added that. Then I tried to work on Chapter 14 and my Clie got errors and had to be reset. Then it kept doing that every time I'd try to open my word processor. I had to hard reset. Grrr. I lost some spreadsheets when I did that. But none of the writing.

Saturday was too busy with House, Elf Dress, kittens, and taking my nephew to the hospital, so I didn't write. Heck, I didn't get home until 5 am Sunday morning!

Which means I woke up late for church. After church was a lake event that I left early, crashing for a nap at my sister's house, going to a Dino concert, grocery shopping, and talking to my friend Dwim in Chicago until midnight. So no writing then either.

Thursday, July 17, 2003

Yes, I'm working on Faith

Not meaning to sound testy there. Excited is more like it. I was able to get some writing done yesterday and I'm managing my way back into Bashir's head, addled as it is. Poor boy.

It's actually fun writing on the edge of insanity. The character, I mean, not the writer. ;-)

So, I have Bormann's POV, then Bashir's. I think an update with Riker is up soon, but I also need to give a tidbit with the Defiant crew. They won't be featured heavily in this part of the story. There's just no way I could keep it from being a thousand-chapter story if I did. Besides, it gets rather repetitive when keeping to the Bashir-side of the plot. I could run more with the battle that is distracting them from the Bashir-side of the plot, but it's a huge space battle, something I don't have a lot of experience writing. And, the space-battle, is not the main plot. will be mentioned, but not heavily. Just enough to let the reader know where the Defiant folks are and why they aren't racing to the rescue.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Okay, it's been more than a few days

I know and I'm sorry. I always need a break after finishing a story. And then the weekend got really busy.

But anyway, I have started writing chapter 14 of Faith, Part III. Bormann's POV, which I hadn't done before, but I think it's working nicely. I'm hoping this will be the third to last chapter. In other words, I think there will only be two chapters after this. We'll know more when I reach the end of it.

There's no Young Riders story in the way this time (unless a really good wrap-up presents itself for The Hardest Thing. I've decided that is the title of the story. But even if I do come up with a really good wrap-up, that wrap-up is all the story needs. So it shouldn't get in the way much.

Monday, July 07, 2003

Status of Stories Update!

It's been a few days, but I haven't been completely idle. I've been rereading The Journey and trying to find all the mistakes and typos. I reuploaded the first 12 chapters a few days ago and I'd reupload the last two today if will come back online.

    Status of Stories
  • The Journey: Finished! (Last mention on this list.)
  • Faith, Part III: Peace: 3 chapters written, 3 to go. I hope. I'll be starting on the 4th chapter very soon.
  • The Honored: 1 1/2 chapters written. A big climactic scene near the end written.
  • Young Riders story perhaps titled The Hardest Thing: Needs only an appropriate ending and a confirmed title.

Now I've got to get my imagination moving foward about 600 years!

Thursday, July 03, 2003

And it's finished!

I told you I was close! At 11:32 p.m. Central US time, I Graffitied the last two words (The End) onto the bottom of the Epilogue of The Journey! I actually began that story nearly two years ago, so it's been quite a journey for me as well.

It's a euphoric feeling when I finish a story, but it's also kind of sad. Finishing Oswiecim, for example, was like losing a very close friend. I'd lived in that story deeply for well over a year. It was hard to leave it behind and start again. With The Journey I have other places to go. Faith, Part III is overdue and I have readers waiting. So I'll be back in the 24th century here very soon. I'll probably need a break of a day or two, but hopefully I'll be writing again before the three-day weekend is over.

To check out The Journey, go to

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

So close!

I found the story again last night and I'm two short scenes from the epilogue now! But the work day is over and I've got company coming over for the evening. I've imagined the scenes though. I just have to find the words!

The Journey will be finished tonight or tomorrow and posted at for the world to see!

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Nothing new in the writing world, but the hockey world is another story!

I still haven't written. I just can't seem to find where that scene left off, darn it.

And the house news isn't good either. Still stuck in limbo there.

Hockey though! I'm a hockey fan. Particularly a fan of Czech hockey players. And primarily a fan of a particular Czech hockey player who retired after winning the Stanley Cup with the Detroit Red Wings. I didn't watch much hockey this year because my heart just didn't seem to be in it.

But the news is good! Dominick Hasek is back! Well, it's not official yet, but the Red Wings have picked up their option on him, and according to ESPN "all indications are that he will" return for next season!