Gabrielle's Life and Writings

Gabrielle Lawson, writer of Fanfiction. I will use this space to keep a journal about my writing, the progress I'm making, stories I'm working on, writer's blocks I'm having, our adoption process and progress and just life in general.

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Location: Missouri, United States

I'm multifaceted and highly educated. I have a BA in History and an MA in Museum Studies. But I couldn't make a living in a museum, so my hobby--computers--became my living. I'm now a charter member Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician. I aspire to be a professional writer and/or poet. I am a Christian and have been living by His grace for the last four years or so, despite the MegaStress and now the GigaStress. He keeps me going, and displays His glory still, in my life.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

On Another Note

Have you ever wished you could read more but feel like you don't have time? I've come up with a new system to do that recently.

I used to be an avid reader. I have more books than I have shelf space to hold. I have my own mini-library. I'd buy interesting history books as well as Star Trek novels. And books on writing, languages, Christianity, and yes, some self-help.

But they'd languish on the shelves, especially since the MegaStress. But lately, after several months post-wedding, I'm getting back in the groove. (The fact that I can't do a lot of other stuff because of my hands doesn't hurt, but it really doesn't have as much to do with that as you might think.)

I read different books at different times or places. And I've found that I can plow through these books pretty fast even if I only read for a few minutes at a time. Right now, I'm reading 3 different books (not including my text book for my travel agent training).

Now, not everyone can mentally handle 3 books at once, I realize. But like following multiple TV shows and characters, I can do that. So I can retain what I read one day from one book to the next time I get there for the most part, and same with the other books.

Also, some books read slower than others. Novels tend to read faster. I can read a Star Trek novel in a day, given nothing else to do. It would take longer to read a history book with the same number of pages.

So here's how I do it. I read a history book during breakfast. It stays on the dining room table with all my pills and vitamins I take at breakfast. And all I usually have for breakfast is a Slimfast shake. So I get maybe 10 minutes, tops. Since I started this, I've read a book about American POWs in the Berga concentration camp, a companion book to a documentary miniseries about Auschwitz, a very large book about the Annenerbe, and I'm nearly finished with one about the liberation of Bergen-Belsen.

I also have a book I take with me to work. Let's face it, I have Crohn's. When I go to the restroom, I may be in there awhile. Why be bored? So it has to be a pocket novel. Something I can surreptitiously take with me. I've read a Star Wars trilogy, several Star Trek novels and a mystery novel based on an assassination attempt on the King and Queen of England in 1939 and am now reading another mystery/adventure book set during WWII.

I keep a book in my car. That one doesn't get read as often, but, say I have a doctor's appointment. I'll take that book with me. Now, when I'm sitting in the waiting room, waiting to be called, I can read that book. That's presently a book on freelance writing.

It's a cool system that is letting me get through my mini-library, finally. There are a lot of books there I'm been hoping to find time to read someday. And I really shouldn't have typed this with my hands. I've worn them out and they hurt.


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