Gabrielle's Life and Writings

Gabrielle Lawson, writer of Fanfiction. I will use this space to keep a journal about my writing, the progress I'm making, stories I'm working on, writer's blocks I'm having, our adoption process and progress and just life in general.

My Photo
Location: Missouri, United States

I'm multifaceted and highly educated. I have a BA in History and an MA in Museum Studies. But I couldn't make a living in a museum, so my hobby--computers--became my living. I'm now a charter member Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician. I aspire to be a professional writer and/or poet. I am a Christian and have been living by His grace for the last four years or so, despite the MegaStress and now the GigaStress. He keeps me going, and displays His glory still, in my life.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

I'm ready to tell... I've told in a few other places. My secret penname.... Yep. I just posted chapter 12 of "his" story. It's on The title is "Alien Us". I'll let you find it from there.

In other writing news, I've tried to write a Tin Man story. I had a doozy of an idea. Enough to get me crying. Yet when I try to write it, it feels like...well, so much below me. Below my talent. Surely I'm a better writer than this amateur stuff with no feeling that comes out on the page. So I just don't know if I'll manage that one.

In other life, Rob and I are working on cleaning up our house from the mess we left it in last year. We were fixing it up to sell. We were gung-ho until April or so, then sluffed off. And got stuck. But we've cleaned the bedroom (it's now my serenity place), the bathroom, and the utility room. We've got the green room situated with most of it's furniture. We are working on the kitchen. The living room is furnished but not cleaned up yet and some of the stuff from the garage has made it into the basement.

We want to start our adoption journey on our anniversary. That's March 4th, so we still have a lot of work to do in a short amount of time.

I am liking my job though I do have some frustration with the background check. I had to fill out this huge form with my addresses, schools, and jobs for the last 7 years. For each one it says I have to put down someone who knew me there, non-family. But for each it only specifies part of that time needing the witness, so the speak. For example, I only have to list that for the last 3 years of schools. The directions clearly state to not list anyone past 3 years. But they keep sending the forms back wanting people for places I lived 6 years ago, a school I graduated from 9 years ago, etc.

Other than that, it's going good. I am getting acclimated and solving problems, closing tickets, learning procedures, etc. I get a new colleague next week, so that will be nice. My other left at the end of December. So I'm the rookie veteran who gets to train the new guy.

    Status of Stories
  • Alien Us: Chapter 12 posted
  • Tin Man story, started, may give up
  • The Honored, right where I left it