Gabrielle's Life and Writings

Gabrielle Lawson, writer of Fanfiction. I will use this space to keep a journal about my writing, the progress I'm making, stories I'm working on, writer's blocks I'm having, our adoption process and progress and just life in general.

My Photo
Location: Missouri, United States

I'm multifaceted and highly educated. I have a BA in History and an MA in Museum Studies. But I couldn't make a living in a museum, so my hobby--computers--became my living. I'm now a charter member Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician. I aspire to be a professional writer and/or poet. I am a Christian and have been living by His grace for the last four years or so, despite the MegaStress and now the GigaStress. He keeps me going, and displays His glory still, in my life.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

We Have Kittens!

That visiting cat I wrote about last time? She had her kittens! Five so far. I could swear I could feel another still in her tummy last night. So we'll wait and see how many there are after I get off work.

Anyway, she has five right now! Two little all-over tabbies, and one that looks a lot like her: white on the bottom, tabby on top. Then there are two mostly white ones, one with a tabby tail and top of head, and the other with black spots, five of which are in the same places as a 5 on a die (as in pair of dice).

And they are all just adorable! So tiny, they don't really look like cats yet. Their ears and eyes are closed, of course and their little heads are just so round. Their legs look almost bear. But they are still just adorable and I can't wait to get home and spend time with them. In fact, I was late to work today because I was visiting with them. My supervisor understands. She's a cat person, too.

They were born yesterday afternoon, I think. I found them when I came home from work. She had them on the extra bed down in the basement, but fortunatly the bedding did come clean in the wash. I've moved them all to a box specially prepared for them and they are doing fine there now.

So, if you want a kitten, these will be ready in 8 weeks. I'm thinking of making them little birth certificates and I know I'll be taking photos and videos, which I'll put on CD's for those who adopt them. I love looking back at Lina's "baby pictures" so I'm sure they'll be appreciated.

No, no more writing yet. But hey, if I''m going to be spending a lot of time in the basement where there is no TV and no computers (well, I do have a wireless card in my laptop), I might get more writing done!

Oh yes, and on the diet front: 113! Well, it's bounced up a bit the last two days, but I did hit 113. So now I'm aiming for 112.5!

And I'm up to 49 miles walked total in my training. I did 4 miles in 57 minutes last night. Yes, I managed to tear myself away from the kittens for a little while. ;-)

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Woohoo! 114.5!

At this point, I have to celebrate every half pound! Just 4.5 more to go! Yay!

No writing today. I've been working on the fundraising for the American Stroke Associations Train to End Stroke campaign. I sent out 64 e-mails today and got my first donation from someone at choir practice. I also got another recruit to get orders on my Pampered Chef fundraiser.

If you'd like to help out by donating or buying one of the Pampered Chef products on the fundraiser, send me an e-mail. Use gabriellechef at earthlink dot net for the Pampered Chef. Use the comments here on this page for straight donations and I'll fill you in on how to go about it.

Oh, kitty update. I have another one. Well, only temporarilly. Someone from church (that recruit I just mentioned) wanted a basement to put this very pregnant stray in so she could have her babies. She's really a very sweet cat. She's been here since Saturday. No babies yet. :-( But they should be here any day.

Monday, August 02, 2004

6 miles down, 20.2 to go!

This weekend, I upped my most-miles-walked-at-one-time statistic to 6 miles. Accomplished in just slightly (less than a minute) over 1 1/2 hours. I think I finished one of those miles in less than 15 minutes, but the 5th and 6th miles were quite hard. But it's progress, mile by mile. I do think this is a good cause (fundraising for stroke research) and good for my health as well. I'm committed, and I hope people will sponsor me and help me achieve this goal.

Wondering how the sister front is going? Nowhere. No change at all. Not caring one way or the other! If the sisters aren't changed, I don't want a relationship with them. We are civil to each other at family gatherings and that's fine. I don't ask any more of them than that. And I won't pretend to be all depressed and dejected because I don't have their approval or a relationship with them. I'm happy and I show it!

Diet front: stalled at 115-116. I'm not too worried though. The walking could be attributing to this. I'm building muscle, which weighs more than fat. Besides it's still 25 pounds lost and that's saying something! And looking like something! I'm a lot skinnier now and proud of it! I look better, I feel better, and I'm in better health.

Oh, and a friend wants diet advice. She's seen my success and wants me to advise her on her diet. Hmm...could be a trend.... There's the South Beach Diet, the Adkin's Diet and now the Gabrielle's Slimfast Custom Calorie Budgeting Diet. Or maybe simplify it to the Spreadsheet Diet. Or I might entice more people with The Ice Cream Diet! (Well, I do get to each ice cream most every day now, so it is true to a point!)