Haven't started yet
I haven't started writing The Honored yet, but I have started rereading what I've already written, making slight changes and edits here and there. I'll start there and then pick up from that point and see how the rest plays out.
Also, tomorrow approaches. The 31st of March is when the MIS and Overall voting begins at alt.startrek.creative. I hope, if you're a regular at ASC, that you've been participating all along. But I also hope, of course, that if you liked my story (Faith III, or my writing in general, you'll post some comments to that effect. No link here. If you're an ASCer, you'll know where to vote.
And now, what's been going on in life? No contact with Mom or Sisters 1 and 2. Sister 3 and I, however, share a birth-month. We met on Sunday for a wonderful Cookies 'N Cream shake at Steak 'N Shake (a whole 574 calories, and still I lost weight!) before she went to work. We talked and visited and it was a nice time. As for the whole thing with my mom, I was pretty upset about it on Monday, but talked with a former pastor of mine, and he really blessed me a lot. I felt peace, less stressed, and actually happy after talking with him.
My diet is working. I lost 10 pounds the first month and then kind of plateaued for three weeks. I'm losing weight more slowly now, but still, I'm losing. I'm down to 127.5 lb, while I started at 140. My goal is 110. I'm dieting by taking a Slim-Fast shake for breakfast and lunch and budgeting my calorie intake every other time. By budgeting as I am (which is what a 110 lb person would use in calories for a day of rest), I don't have to exercise to lose weight. Obviously, however, I'll burn more calories if I do.
So far, so good!